Friday, March 18

Friday finds from Etsy

This weeks finds are all about the kids!  Some fun, bright, cheery items perfect for little ones. 

good & simple everyday reminders ~
 'good manners' 5x7 wall cards...

send Grandma a note in the mail ~ 
colorful personalized notecards...

perfect for chubby little fingers ~
'upcycled' kitty egg crayons...

love this cushion! ~
a favorite poem printed on charming notebook fabric...

cheerios anyone? ~
reusable hemp snack bag with birdie...

a classic ~
wooden alphabet blocks in great colors...

I am loving those 'good manners' wall cards.  I have been looking for something to hang above the chalkboard wall in the daycare.  A few weeks ago my husband and I created this new play area for the kids in an unused corner of the bedroom with a can of chalkboard paint, wainscot, and trim. The children are loving it!

xoxo for now!


  1. Gotta have those kitty egg crayons...they are too cute! I know several little chubby hands who would love them.
    xo J~

  2. I liked the crayons too ~ their little faces look a bit mischievous to me! :)

  3. Everything is so cute though my favourite is the pic of the room from Lilypad - it looks calm and peaceful without the lil ones running around. ;)

  4. True Amanda ~ it does look a bit too quiet in that photo, doesn't it?


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