Tuesday, May 10

just a few photos....

...of the plant sale I volunteered at.  I had such a nice time working alongside my Mom and my sister.  It didn't rain, in fact the sun peeked out every once in a while, and there were many gardeners who came out to fill up their cardboard trays. 
Those who love plants are a special breed, aren't they? 
Everyone was warm, friendly and helpful.
I picked up some lovelies for my garden.  A few containers of basil, one monkshood, and a stunning fuchsia hanging basket that I eyed up right away and my mom then surprised me and bought me for Mother's day.  It is glorious!  Thanks Mama! 
I'm hoping that it will bring many hummingbirds this summer...I had a fuchsia basket a few years ago and we had so many hummers that year. 

The plant sale was held in the private driveway of a beautifully landscaped lot on which sits a spectacular home.  I would have taken more photos but I'm afraid I was beginning to look a bit creepy meandering about the property.  It was all I could do to not go up and peek in the windows.  Might have got awkward if they were inside sitting at the kitchen table, perhaps enjoying a piece of toast, and I was outside staring at them through the window.


  1. Beautiful location is an understatement...what a perfect setting for a plant sale, just lovely! So nice of your mom to buy you the Fuschia, and it's so ironic because I just posted about something my MIL purchase for me on Mother's Day at a nursery we took her to...those Mom's!!
    You know, we were given a Monkshood years ago and it's turned into a forest...I actually did a post on them last year, they're amazing...and poisonous, so don't eat them ;)!
    Hope your Fuscia does bring many Hummers...they're so fun to watch.
    xo J~

  2. There you are you sweet thing...right in the middle. Looks like a lovely day Trish...I'm thinking might be a nice thing to have in our little lane!

  3. 24C ~ I am off to find your post on the Monkshood! Would love to see photos of how big this guy might get. Funnily enough, I was told that they are poisonous. I think the exact words were "a wonderful plant to have around in the event that you get a house guest who overstays their welcome". Made me laugh!

    J ~ It is actually my Mom in that photo! I am often told that I look a lot like her. xo

  4. Trish...I should have told you where the post was as it's not called 'Monkshood', it's called "Unusual Fall Color" and it's under "Garden" in the side bar. Funny you were warned about the poison, I'll keep the 'house guest' remedy in mind! ;)
    xo J~


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